Report ‘Waarde van Beeld’

The Federatie Beeldrechten presents the research report into the economic value of the image sector. The Federatie Beeldrecht is a partnership between BBK, BNO, BOK, DuPho, the Kunstenbond, NVJ/NVF, Pictoright and us Platform BK. Together we are committed to a better copyright position for creators.

“Although it is clear that the use of images has increased within society, there has been no change in the valuation to date. That is why the Federation of Image Rights has asked an independent agency to conduct research into the value of images in the Netherlands.” this can be read in the report and on the website of federatie beeldrechten.


Some conclusions from the report:

Partly due to the emergence of large international content platforms, the demand for the work of photographers, visual artists, illustrators and designers is increasing. Yet their earning power is decreasing.

Despite the deteriorating financial position of image makers, the image sector provides an added value of 3.4 billion for the Dutch economy. It is therefore responsible for more than 18 percent of the value realized by the entire cultural and creative sector. The image sector also offers work to many people. The sector representatives met 112 thousand working people, thirty percent of the employment in the cultural and creative sector. This is 1.2 percent of total employment in the Netherlands.

Read more on the website of the federation of image rights and download the report below. (dutch language only)


Link to the report</ a>

Link to the fact sheet </ a>

If you would like to hold this rapport in your hands, send us an e-mail and we will send it to your address.

About Platform BK

Platform BK researches the role of art in society and takes action for a better art policy. We represent artists, curators, designers, critics and other cultural producers.