Platform BK mobilizes the art sector in response to current developments in the visual arts. We organise actions, debates and meetings. Sometimes we give a presentation at the activities of others, or we participate in the public. Our members can also organise activities, such as a reading group on philosophy, a film evening or a working group on self-organisation.

For Our Heroes. An action by Platform BK on the Malieveld, The Hague, 20 May 2020. Concept: Yuri Veerman. Picture: Sjoerd Knibbeler.

Become a member now!

10 Years of Platform BK = 10 Years of Solidarity. Become a member of Platform BK for 5 euros... MORE

Collaboration Station Day 3

Become a member! Unionisation in the cultural field: How do current examples of collectivising, such as Unions, function and... MORE

All the Wrong Questions

A series of protest posters made in response to the politics of the Rutte I government in the Netherlands.... MORE

Collaboration Station

We want to invite you to Collaboration Station a 3-day event on the Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Sunday... MORE

Art Academies Acknowledge Urgency to Change

Platform BK and Kunstenbond were invited by SAC KUO, the official meeting of the management of Dutch art academies,... MORE