“No control on fair remuneration in the cultural sector
The minister wants artists and performers to be paid better. For that purpose, he uses the subsidy conditions in the cultural sector, among other things. Cultural institutions must subscribe to a code of fair payment when applying for a grant. This has helped make people in the industry aware of the need to pay more fairly. But just being aware of it is not enough. More will be needed for this in the coming years. We assess the minister’s policy as adequate. But we note that in order to meet the condition, grant applicants only need to check that they agree with the code. That does not mean that they also apply the code. There are structural bottlenecks that make it difficult to pay fairly within the sector.
These still need to be addressed.” written by the Algemene Rekenkamer as a conclusion on the rapport. read more via this link
The full report can be downloaded here via the link above (dutch language).
From page 23, point 5, you can read about the introduction of the Fair Practice Code when applying for subsidies.
De Algemene Rekenkamer expects that more action is needed from the State Secretary to solve these problems in a sustainable way and makes three recommendations:
• Set a start date after which it will be maintained on fair payment by
subsidized institutions.
• Agree with the sector that agreement must be reached before that date
enforceable standards of fair payment.
• Make agreements with other major financiers about equalizing the subsidy conditions in the area of fair remuneration.
About Platform BK
Platform BK researches the role of art in society and takes action for a better art policy. We represent artists, curators, designers, critics and other cultural producers.