Platform ACCT offers self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector financial support for disability insurance. It also supports organisations looking to offer employees a wage contract.
Platform ACCT offers self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector financial support for disability insurance. It also supports organisations looking to offer employees a wage contract.
Platform ACCT, the cultural sector’s labour market platform, has been given a budget by the Ministry of Culture to improve the labour market position of art workers. For this purpose, it has set up two schemes:
Self-insured Scheme
The Self-insured Scheme is an incentive for self-employed or ‘hybrid’ workers with a professional practice in the creative and cultural sector to insure themselves against occupational disability. For this purpose, self-employed people who take out occupational disability insurance (arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering, or AOV for short) can receive an allowance of 120 euros (one-off) plus half of the monthly costs, with a maximum of 50 euros per month, for the duration of one year.
Read more about this scheme (in Dutch) at:
‘Zekere Zaak’ Scheme
The Zekere Zaak Scheme is intended to support the employment of (faux) self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector under wage contracts.
Read more about this scheme (in Dutch) at: