A workshop for members of Platform BK in negotiating fair artist fees.
Date and time: Friday 9 December, 3-5 pm (followed by end of year drinks until 9 pm)
Location: Woon-Werkpand Tetterode, Amsterdam
RSVP: kantoor@platformbk.nl.
This event is for members of Platform BK. You can sign up as a member here, or at the start of the workshop.
The calculator of the Artist Fee Guideline is used by almost all cultural institutions in The Netherlands. This is good news. However, there is also confusion around it. Many institutions use the minimum fees from the calculator as standard fees. This leaves artists with important practical questions. How can one negotiate a fair fee above the minimum? Which arguments can be used? And which tactics work best during negotiations?
In this workshop, the core team members of Platform BK, Koen Bartijn and Sepp Eckenhaussen, share their insights in artist fee negotiations. There is also time and space for members to exchange experiences and tactics. Together, we will create a artist fee negotitation cheat sheet.
This workshop is the first in a series of workshops for members of Platform BK. The other workshops are:
Each workshop takes place in Woon-Werkpand Tetterode in Amsterdam.
To register for this workshop, send an email to kantoor@platformkb.nl.
We will make sure to have enough room for every member who wants to participate. We will therefore send an email with the exact location a few days in advance.
Are you not yet a member? You can sign up here, or become a member at the start of the workshop.