Yesterday, support measures totaling 300 million euros for the cultural sector were announced. We are delighted that a number of institutions will be saved thus. However, we remain concerned
Yesterday, support measures totaling 300 million euros for the cultural sector were announced. We are delighted that a number of institutions will be saved thus. However, we remain concerned
The partly unsuccessful governemnt policies of the past decades has lead to incessant autocratization and growing disparaties within the sector; artsists have quit or moved out of the Netherlands, and the range of medium-sized institutions largely disappeared, while the success stories of large museums caught all the attention.
The current set of measures aims to support exactly those large BIS-institutions and other ‘vital’ institutions, in order to keep the entire sector afloat that way – from Rijksmuseum to individual artist. It is, however, altogether unclear at this moment how that will work.
How can we co-organize solidarity within the sector to come and reach reasonable distribution? How can we call on bigger institutions to feed the sector adequately and integrally? How can this extra support be used to help the small, medium, and big ones?