Werktitel, podcast on people and work in the arts

Platform BK is a partner of Werktitel, the first and certainly best podcast on people and work in the Dutch visual arts. Alix de Massiac and Zoë Dankert explore how labor in the arts arranged, or not arranged, in 2021.


Based on 150 recorded conversations, molded into ten episodes, Werktitel sketches a picture of the visual arts field and the issues around labor that people in it encounter. Zoë and Alix talk to all kinds of people, on each level of the art world and of all ages. People in- and outside of the eye of the public. Freelancers and people with a contract. These people include artists, fundraisers, directors, educators, interns, writers, slashers, programmers, editors, communication officers, curators, art handlers, and pensioners. From the team and alumni network of Platform BK, Mariska van den Berg, Rune Peitersen, Yvonne Grootenboer, Joram Kraaijeveld, Koen Bartijn, and Sepp Eckenhaussen were interviewed.

Since the launch in June, seven thematic episodes have been published. We warmly recommend to listen to Wertitel, and especially not to miss out on the last two episodes.

In the sixth episode, The Day Laborer, Mariska van den Berg and Peter van den Bunder, among others, speak about the life of precarious art worker, who are supposed to be entrepeneurs but in reality are treated more like day laborers. And in episode seven, The Flexible Core, the podcasters explore the possibilities to overcome this gap and create a strong chain that benefits all workers – from freelancers to lobbyists and office clerks.

You can find all episodes (in Dutch), as well as translated transcripts of each episode (English) on werktitel.org. You can also listen to the podcast on your favorite platform, and follow Werktitel on Instagram.

The partners of Werktitel are Amsterdam Museum, Boekmanstichting, CBK Rotterdam, CBK Zuidoost, de Appel, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Jan van Eyck Academie, Kunsten ‘92, Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, Kunstinstituut Melly, Kunstverein, MU, Nieuwe Vide, P/////AKT, Platform BK, Post, Showroom MAMA, Stedelijk Museum Breda, Vleeshal, West Den Haag, WORM, W139. Werktitel has also received funding from the Mondriaan Fund and the Municipality of Rotterdam.

Werktitelis written and edited by Alix de Massiac and Zoë Dankert. Soundscape based on found recordings by sound artist Nathalie Bruys. Graphic design by Elisabeth Klement, with assistance of Robin Siimann. The website was built by WWW stuudio.

About Platform BK

Platform BK researches the role of art in society and takes action for a better art policy. We represent artists, curators, designers, critics and other cultural producers.